27-02-2021, 10:58 PM
Updated ELO bot launched!
Updates are:
Updates are:
- Reset all stats, ELO, replays, match history
- Updated look of the ELO main page with colours: https://hbanz.org/forum/elo.php
- Created the match history page with replays recorded: https://hbanz.org/forum/eloreplays.php
- Possession, game duration, ELO change and new ELO are some of the additional stats recorded
- Direct replay link is announced in game after a match, rather than to the general page
- Regular messages now appear in replays, (except for tagged messages which we can't do much about)
- ELO reduces by 1 each day if you are above 1200
- Discord announcements - we have a way to now link bots with discord channel to announce the outcome of games. Right now I don't see the huge value-add in this but it is doable
- Clicking a player on the ELO Replays pages to filter all matches from that player, along with the match results and replays