24-07-2018, 05:57 PM
As we all know a new season of league has been lingering around for a while now. After what seemed to be a down period in hbanz, it has recently become more active and alive. We have seen 34 signups showing interest in playing league which is enough for a one division league. Maxie and I believe the best move forward here would be to resurrect season 16 moving to the first ever html haxball league in a one division format and clearing signups so players can resign to get a more updated number of participants.
The draft date will be set for the 19th August
Signups will be cleared asap, and once they are please resign with updated info of your availability. With no D2, it means monday nights are now free which could open up changes in format like possibly playing one game on the sunday night and one on the monday so we can start games later in the night instead of having early games like 7pm on Sunday nights or we can keep it the same and play the two on Sunday. We are opening up the formatting to the community with coming polls/threads to allow the players to agree/choose what times/formats they believe will be best for HBANZ as a whole this season.